Save Christmas

Save Hundreds This Christmas

Nathan SmithFamily, Life Skills

We are coming into crunch time as it relates to finishing up Christmas shopping.  People will be clamoring about, looking for deals and last minute treasures to buy and give as gifts just days later.  Thankfully, you are smart enough to read this and save yourself hundreds of dollars this Christmas.  I don’t normally write about financial issues since my …


Mind the Gap

Nathan SmithBible, Christian Maturity, Family

I’ve had the privilege of spending a few days in London, England. Growing up watching movies set in London, it was so exciting to get to walk around and actually experience its history, charm and wonder. Getting around the city can be a challenge, so taking ‘the tube’ (subway) is the primary way for tourists to see the town. When …

Why Christians Should Celebrate Purim

Nathan SmithBible, Jewish Roots

The Jewish holiday of Purim will be observed around the world starting this Wednesday at sundown and will continue throughout the day Thursday. Purim is the annual celebration of the story of Esther in the Old Testament. But should Christians celebrate this Biblical holiday as well? In truth, Christians celebrate plenty of holidays that are NOT in the Bible, so …