I tend to be one that draws attention to the need for people to create margin, pull back, embrace Sabbath rest and generally ‘do less’. I’ve written and talked about it much and I stand by the principles and challenges that I’ve laid out. Our culture is obsessed with activity and distraction so there is certainly a need to be …
Please Pass the Salt
I have been pretty sick lately. So much so that I was super late in getting my blog out for the week as I navigated sickness and tried to catch up from getting so far behind in several things. A cold turned into a bad cold, which turned into a sinus infection which turned into yuck (there’s a point to this …
Separating the Sheep from the GOAT?
I have been fascinated lately by the new found use for the word GOAT. A reference that would have one time seemed derogatory (I mean, who wants to be referred to as a farm animal?) now is a compliment meaning ‘Greatest Of All Time’. Certain athletes, actors, artisans and any other highly successful, high profiled individual are being referred to …
3 Keys To Being a Better Family Man
Very few people ask me what my secret is to wealth and prosperity. A big part of that is because I am not, nor have ever been ‘wealthy’ though I’m quite grateful and very blessed by all God has done for me. At the same time, no one sends me emails wanting to know my secrets to having the perfect …
Adam, Eve and the Internet
We live in the ‘information age’. If you want to know something you’re only a click away. Never before in history have we had such unprecedented access to a seemingly unlimited amount of information and knowledge. There are so many benefits to such a situation. Need to do some research, skip the library and just reach in your pocket. Want …
The Illusion of New and Exciting
New and exciting is, well… new and exciting. We all love a new car, a new house a new stream of income and a new start. Here at the start of a new year it’s easy to think about new and exciting. The problem is, many of us are not doing anything new and exciting. We’re driving the same car, …