An all you can eat buffet can be a wonderful and dangerous thing. It is amazing how in such a relatively short amount of time you can go from feeling like you are starving to never wanting to see food again in your life! Perhaps you have had the experience? You came because you were hungry but after seven plates …
Those Who Dug The Well
I’m forty-one years old today. Forty years ago my Mother wrote me a letter that I still have to this day. She wrote it to me on my first birthday and placed it in our family Bible with clear instructions that it was not to be opened until the day I graduated high-school. I did read it on the day …
God Answers Prayer By Sending A Person
Friendship is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity. You don’t get to pick your family but you do get to pick your friends. While both friends and family can be wonderful, there is something special about making a connection with another human being who is not related to you that simply chooses to take an interest in you for …
Recalibrating Your Vision
Believing is seeing. We often get it the other way around. But we all know that if you’re scared then all of the sudden most everything you see is a potential danger. Likewise, if you are in a hilarious mood then everything you see is funny. Why? Because you are in that frame of mind or in that state of …