Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Enthusiasm Is A Holy Thing

Nathan SmithLife Skills, Perspective, Relationships

Enthusiastic people are fun to be around!  Sure, they can be annoying at times, especially if they are enthusiastic about your rival sports team.  But, in total, enthusiasm is attractive, exciting, and contagious.  Enthusiasm is particularly effective in the work place, in building relationships, and in creating a joy-filled atmosphere.  Why is that?  Would you believe that enthusiasm is a …

The Transformational Truth

The Transformational Truth

Nathan SmithChristian Maturity, Faith

Caterpillars are kind of cute. I mean, they are an ugly-cute, but there is something endearing about their unassuming nature.  Yes, they can be chubby and hairy and gross, but I still enjoy watching them trudge along a branch in route to then next leaf to devour.  Some, like me, find them enjoyable while others are repulsed.  Regardless of which …