People Pleasing Power Drain

Nathan SmithBible, Faith, Personal Stories, Thought Provoking

I have had the privilege of traveling to many different countries around the world.  Often, I have been ministering by either speaking or leading worship.  Once, while on a tour of Eastern Europe, I was preparing to go out on stage in Croatia when I realized something was wrong with my guitar effects pedal board.  Making a few quick changes, …

My Commentary On Hipster Culture

Nathan SmithFamily, Thought Provoking

Fashion and art, much like politics, are almost always downstream of culture. They only reflect the attitudes and worldview of the population, they don’t create those attitudes initially.  It’s how style becomes trendy or how a public figure becomes popular; they aren’t saying something new, they’re putting words and giving expression to the prevailing feelings and spirit of the age. …

Buy Products or Byproducts?

Nathan SmithChristian Maturity, Life Skills, Thought Provoking

It is nearly impossible to walk through the check-out line at the grocery store without being confronted with 17 different magazines offering you at least 249 hot new sex tips. It is embarrassing to see the absolute desperation of marketers to grab people’s attention by offering hope to find satisfaction in ways that only lead to greater emptiness. It is …

Going Backwards Is Moving You Forward

Nathan SmithChristian Maturity, Faith, Personal Stories, Thought Provoking

God has been talking to me about slingshots and rubber bands lately. I realize that may not seem like something God would really spend a lot of time talking about with people, but He knows what reaches me. When I was a little boy I had many slingshots.  Some I bought.  Some I made.  Basically every ‘Y’ shaped stick I …