For the first time in my lifetime the idea of fasting is actually quite popular in our society and culture. More often placed within the phrasing “intermittent fasting” the idea of fasting has caught on for a lot of people who are looking at how to shape their bodies, curb their appetites and get healthier. Unfortunately, that has little to …
God is For You Today
One of the biggest tricks of the enemy of our souls is to get us to believe that God is against us and all of our efforts to please Him are ultimately futile since we can’t get anything right in His eyes. If you have ever felt that then it only validates the point I’m making. It is an effective …
Praying Past Politics in Israel
Terrorism has struck Israel in the most horrific attack in the history of the modern state. How are we to respond? There are people who identify as Christians who take various positions politically on what has happened, why it happened, whose fault it is, and who is to blame. I would imagine we can all agree if you are the …
Blind Faith Was A Band Not A Command
Faith is the evidence of things hoped for, and certainty of what is unseen. But does that mean faith is based on nothingness? Is it simply “belief” á la The Polar Express where you just close your eyes and trust somethings is real? That idea is actually the opposite of the Biblical idea of faith. In fact, the reason there …
The Fruit of the Fall
If God is so good, why are things so bad? If you haven’t asked yourself this question yet in life then you will. It makes perfect sense to want to know how a good God could come up with such a bad place? Sure, we realize there are some good things in life and many beautiful people, places, and things. …
Happy New Year, In September?
Happy New Year! No, it’s not January 1st (at least, it’s not as I am writing this) but on the Hebrew Calendar, tonight is the first of Tishri, known as Rosh HaShana or ‘the head of the year.’ So why should you care that it is the first day of the year on a calendar you likely don’t use? Beyond …