For the first time in my lifetime the idea of fasting is actually quite popular in our society and culture. More often placed within the phrasing “intermittent fasting” the idea of fasting has caught on for a lot of people who are looking at how to shape their bodies, curb their appetites and get healthier. Unfortunately, that has little to …
Crafted By The Master’s Hand
Jesus came that we would have life and have it to the full. He wasn’t just talking about eternity with Him when this life is over. He was talking about then AND now. The invitation to be “born again” is not to wait until the day we die before life rushes forth in beauty and wonder. No, life begins with …
Wrestling With Your Will
Will power is a fascinating topic to explore. Some people have a whole lot of it whereas others may not have as much. Some will have their will focused in certain areas of their lives and others are directed in a completely separate area. There are those that believe our lives are directed solely by our will and yet others …
Can You Thrive in Obscurity?
What if the most profound thing you accomplish in your life is to help someone else be great? At first gloss this can seem noble and inspiring and certainly, it is!. But think about the reality of it for a moment once the shine wears off a bit? Your greatest contribution will be to work hard at something you love …
Blind Faith Was A Band Not A Command
Faith is the evidence of things hoped for, and certainty of what is unseen. But does that mean faith is based on nothingness? Is it simply “belief” á la The Polar Express where you just close your eyes and trust somethings is real? That idea is actually the opposite of the Biblical idea of faith. In fact, the reason there …
Navigating The Need To Be Needed
Most everyone wants to feel they are making a difference and are contributing in a meaningful way. However, have you ever considered needing to feel as if you are making that contribution can actually short-circuit the success of the endeavor? Is true success “being the go-to-guy” or being the parent or leader that “has all the answers” and is the …