The Night I Wondered At Stevie

Nathan SmithFamily, Personal Stories, Thought Provoking

I had a ‘bucket list’ moment with my lovely wife recently. We went to see Stevie Wonder in concert. As a lifelong musician, myself, getting to see someone like Stevie Wonder perform in person is a very special event. Perhaps you don’t realize the unbelievable talent he is and has been since childhood. His musical ability is literally off the …

Shaken, In Order to Stand

Nathan SmithChristian Maturity, Faith, Personal Stories, Thought Provoking

Sometimes people are afraid to question God. It can seem disrespectful, or somehow divinely offensive. After all, if I believe God is God then He’s unquestionable, right? Obviously, there are ways that questioning God or doubting His way can be done in a disrespectful way but the act, in and of itself, doesn’t have to be seen as arrogant or …