I remember the last episode I ever watched of The Simpsons many years ago. The crass cartoon family was very popular when I was younger and somehow permeated pop culture with their quips and characters. Though it probably wasn’t the best of entertainment choices, I certainly got a kick out of their craziness. On this occasion the Simpson family all …
Finding Friends In A Lonely World
I believe friendship is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity. A person with a good friend is rich beyond measure. However, in a world full of self-indulgence and the worship of personal preference it can be hard to find and foster good friendships. To be a good friend is truly antithetical to the current world order in the modern …
Crafted By The Master’s Hand
Jesus came that we would have life and have it to the full. He wasn’t just talking about eternity with Him when this life is over. He was talking about then AND now. The invitation to be “born again” is not to wait until the day we die before life rushes forth in beauty and wonder. No, life begins with …