Terrorism has struck Israel in the most horrific attack in the history of the modern state. How are we to respond? There are people who identify as Christians who take various positions politically on what has happened, why it happened, whose fault it is, and who is to blame. I would imagine we can all agree if you are the …
Can You Thrive in Obscurity?
What if the most profound thing you accomplish in your life is to help someone else be great? At first gloss this can seem noble and inspiring and certainly, it is!. But think about the reality of it for a moment once the shine wears off a bit? Your greatest contribution will be to work hard at something you love …
Is Your Name in the Book of Life?
It is believed there is one day on the calendar where God and man are at their closest point. In the Hebrew Scriptures we are told that there was a day that occurred once a year where the High Priest could go into the Holy of Holies and represent the people of God in asking for forgiveness for their sins …
I Was The New Kid
The seasons are changing and school is back in session. Each year as I hear the brakes on the school bus squeak as they trek through the neighborhood I remember my childhood. I moved a lot as a child. I don’t mean that I was active (I was) but that I physically changed locations, houses, and schools a lot growing …
Is Anybody Listening?
We live in the sharing age. There is so much content being shared at such a dizzying pace. Culture has unleashed the power of sharing what is on our minds through unlimited channels of expression that can now be consumed all over the world, instantly! For all of this share power it is no wonder people are feeling more isolated, …
Blind Faith Was A Band Not A Command
Faith is the evidence of things hoped for, and certainty of what is unseen. But does that mean faith is based on nothingness? Is it simply “belief” á la The Polar Express where you just close your eyes and trust somethings is real? That idea is actually the opposite of the Biblical idea of faith. In fact, the reason there …