Most of us grew up hearing the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears but few of us know the true story. In 1837 British poet, Robert Southey, wrote down the version we know and love with the sweet little blonde haired girl exploring the home of the quaint family of bears. In the well-known tale, Goldie Locks tests the bowls …
The Fruit of the Fall
If God is so good, why are things so bad? If you haven’t asked yourself this question yet in life then you will. It makes perfect sense to want to know how a good God could come up with such a bad place? Sure, we realize there are some good things in life and many beautiful people, places, and things. …
Caring Without Surrendering Your Peace
Empathy is an important aspect in life. It is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Without empathy we can be cold and calloused to the hurts, failures and fears others have which can make us seem aloof, disinterested or simply uncaring. I place a high value on empathy as I see it in the life and …
Happy New Year, In September?
Happy New Year! No, it’s not January 1st (at least, it’s not as I am writing this) but on the Hebrew Calendar, tonight is the first of Tishri, known as Rosh HaShana or ‘the head of the year.’ So why should you care that it is the first day of the year on a calendar you likely don’t use? Beyond …
Please Don’t Read This (the struggle with self promotion)
You’ve been given a gift. You have something unique to offer. You’ve studied, worked hard and developed a skill or idea and now it’s ready to be put into action or taken to the marketplace. There’s a problem though. Nobody knows. Seriously, they don’t. Maybe your mom knows or a couple of close friends, but that is honestly about it. Yes, you’ve …
Is Success Killing You?
Everyone wants to accomplish great things in their lives. Often there are setbacks to navigate, disappointments to work through, and obstacles to overcome but we keep reaching. There is so much good in this exercise and many wonderful things are produced in the pursuit; both tangible and intangible. However, like any good endeavor, if we take it to an extreme …